User:Ravening Wolf on Sat, 13 May 2006 20:09:25 +0000

I skipped through this one - way too much sex and nudity to be a serious movie. Worthy of 0 stars if the option was available. Very, very poor. The only point of mention is that this movie was produced by the outgoing Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, but that alone does not make this movie worth even one viewing. :(

User:Ravening Wolf on Sat, 13 May 2006 20:09:25 +0000

I skipped through this one - way too much sex and nudity to be a serious movie. Worthy of 0 stars if the option was available. Very, very poor. The only point of mention is that this movie was produced by the outgoing Italian President Silvio Berlusconi, but that alone does not make this movie worth even one viewing. :(